Tripura Knowledge City: The Tripura Knowledge City, an ambitious project aiming to be operational by 2027, is set to transform the educational and entrepreneurial...
Remembering Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi, fondly known as the "Father of the Nation," stands as an enduring symbol of peace, truth, and nonviolence. His...
Within just a month, a remarkable 272 women have expressed interest in establishing their own businesses as part of the proposed "Shantiniketan Health City"...
Bankura's Inventor: Bankura, a district in West Bengal, India, is emerging as a hub for innovative transportation solutions. A local craftsman, Chanchal Singh, has...
Portals for a Better Tomorrow: We are pleased to announce the launch of several portals designed to improve people's lives across sectors. These portals...
Metaverse: Information technology (IT) has the potential to revolutionize education. By providing students with access to a vast array of resources and tools, IT...
Tech Fest Meeting at Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology: On September 27, 2023, the Tech Fest committee of Modern Institute of Engineering and...
Dr. Abhijit Roy's Classroom Demonstration: In an enlightening and engaging session today, Dr. Abhijit Roy, a renowned anatomist and educator, delivered a detailed lecture...